Wondrous Stash v1 (5E)

Wondrous Stash v1 (5E)

Available at DriveThruRPG

This was the 2nd publication from Double0Games. After our first Weapons Book we decided to come up with some Wondrous Items, because let’s face it, Wondrous Items are the coolest things. Swords and magical staffs have limited appeal to certain classes… but everyone likes magic cloaks, boots, and of course flying brooms.

If you click on that link under the cover snippet you can check out a preview of the first few pages at DriveThruRPG.

Here’s the blurb from their web site:

25 New and Amazing Wondrous Items for your 5e Game. The Wondrous Stash includes a wide variety of items and rarities, many with custom optional quirks and flaws. 

Included Items:

Aberrant Mask (very rare), Animated Caltrops (uncommon), Assassin’s Fife (very rare), Ballad of the Unknown Hero (legendary), Belt of Orcish Kind (rare), Boots of Dwarvenkind (uncommon), Circlet of Lunacy (rare), Earthshift Sandals (very rare), Fortune Bones (very rare), Gaze Capture Goggles (uncommon), Gloves of Empathy (uncommon), Gloves of Gnomish Kind (rare), Grifter’s Pin (rare), Harp of Requiems (rare), Land Skiff (very rare), Narrator’s Skull (uncommon), Necklace of Life (very rare), Pendant of the Stone Hand (rare), Plague Carrier Robes (rare), Portable Weapon Rack (uncommon), Scales of Balanced Fate (very rare), Serpent Diadem (rare), Shroud of the Wraith (rare), Tome of the Specialist (very rare), Wayfarer’s Garb (uncommon)

We never did come up with a Volume 2. I personally wanted to make another supplement of super low-powered wondrous junk items. Stuff that’s strictly for adventurer convenience. Like a figurine of a badger that on command will dig a 1-foot deep hole in the ground, just for burying poop at the campground. Or a brooch that protects from rain. I want to call it “Knick-Knacks and Brick-a-Brack Stack.”

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