Potion Chest v1 (5E)

Potion Chest v1 (5E)

At first we had no plans to make a potion book, but that’s because I was thinking about it from an adventurer’s point of view. Potions are boring. But when I thought about it for a while, the basic DMG for 5E had very few potions in it. Plus, potions are a disposable commodity so it helps to have a big variety. An adventurer may in his life use 2 or 3 swords but may go through hundreds of potions.

As it turns out, this turned out to be one of our highest selling products. Not sure if it’s because DMs needed more ideas for potions to hand out or because of the double entendre title and the busty babe on the cover. It’s a mystery.

To add some variety, we included mundane gear like a potion satchel and a bandolier. Also a wondrous item, the flask of holding. Each potion also comes with a possible side effect in case you bought a cheap knock off from a third-rate alchemist. Frankly, I’m just proud of us for coming up with 2, count em 2, LEGENDARY potions.

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