

Artwork for upcoming D&D 5E supplement: Fiends Eternal. So in addition to chaotic evil demons and lawful evil devils there are the neutral evil fiends known as yugoloths. So a fiendish supplement should naturally contain some of these beings, right? Unfortunately yugoloths are not part of the SRD for free use in making D&D materials for publication. So, I abandoned having yugoloths in favor of a brand new type of fiend called netherfiends. They are of course, in no way related to yugoloths… even though all of them are neutral evil, fiendish mercenaries that all have names that end in “loth.” No relation. None.

So here’s a look at the Anellidoloth. A swarm of worms and eels wearing a mask and walking upright.

You know what, yeah, that’s definitely a yugoloth. I just can’t call it that.

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