Our Journey Begins

Our Journey Begins

Actually it began a couple years ago. You just never knew about it. It was a covert journey. Unintentionally covert, but covert nonetheless. We are like… accidental ninja.

Double0Games is a small time outfit consisting of two guys. Who sometimes get a little bit of help from a couple other guys. But for the most part we are full-time employees who spend their spare time designing game products.

We have published a selection of supplements for 5th Edition D&D. Not because that’s all we play or all we plan to write for, but mostly because it was the easiest. D&D has a large, existing market and fan-base. They have the OGL license. So we made some stuff for them. We haven’t had anything new out for several months, mostly because life gets in the way of living. Hey, if we were actual full-time game publishers it wouldn’t have taken us two years to cobble together this mediocre website.

What can you expect to see from us in the near future? We should have a couple of new Boss Stat supplements available soon. Another Magic Item book. A new creature book of potentially infinite fiends (more on that later). And at some point, an actual honest-to-goodness original game system which will be kept very hush-hush for now.

And blog updates. Because, why not?

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